



2024-07-19 21:25:52 来源:网络


...slips of the tongue ,coughs and sneezes意思 -
aim的形容词是aimless。aimless意思如下:1.漫无目标的afewminutesofaimlesspalaver 几分钟漫无目标的讨论2.毫无目标的Whatwasthepointofheraimlessexistence?她毫无目标的生活有什么意义?3.无准则的Canyoulookbackandseeawell-definedpath,orsimplyanaimlessseriesofjobmoveswithnocoherentstructure?你回等会说。


inherent是什么意思 -
adj.天生; 固有的,内在的;[网络]本来的; 固有的; 先天的;[例句]XPath is a great stand-in for data binding, but a certain degree of structure is inherent in the API.XPath是数据绑定很好的替身,但是这种API天生具有一定程度的结构。其他]形近词:adherent coherent abherent 后面会介绍。
well-defined 英['weldɪ'faɪnd] 美[ˈwɛldɪˈfaɪnd]adj. 定义明确的; 界限清楚的; 已知的; 已圈定的;[例句]Can you look back and see a well-defined path, or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure?回到此结束了?。
organize 是什么意思?谁能帮我把它的意思和多种形式以及用法写出来,谢 ...
To arrange in a coherent form; systematize:organized her thoughts before speaking.To arrange in a desired pattern or structure:“The painting is organized about a young reaper enjoying his noonday rest”(William Carlos Williams)To arrange systematically for harmonious or united action:organ等会说。
都是形容词,词根是organize, 但是词义不同organized 有组织的, 有条理的systematic organic formed into a structured or coherent whole Science is organized knowledge.科学是有系统的知识。Children need organized activities. 孩子们需要有组织的活动。unorganized and organized group 无组织群体与有好了吧!
怎样写读书计划 -
freespace自由空间。双语例句如下:1、In this paper, the structure of the inter-satellite laser communication system in freespace is introduced. 介绍了自由空间卫星激光通信系统的组成。2、When in freespace transmission, the synthesis of coherent vortex will annihilation or mobile. 当在自由空间到此结束了?。
请帮我翻译下这段啊,谢谢啊!!!急用 -
match a Chinese language expression habit.Translate to solve the foundation of the original text contents in the accurate and complete geography up, should choose different expression means, use the alteration and adjustment that the phrase,the sentence construction structure好了吧!etc. carry o好了吧!
Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling.This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas.Title:It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, “An investigation of . . .”could be omitted. Often titles are 好了吧!